Following the news that Richmond Council are planning to introduce variable parking rates based upon vehicle emissions, Islington Friends of the Earth put out the following press release:
PRESS RELEASE: Islington FOE demands a £1000 per year parking permit charge for gas guzzlers
Islington Friends of the Earth urges Islington Council to link the cost of residents' on road and estate parking permits to their vehicles' CO2 emissions [1] [2]. The initial top rate charge should be set at £1000 and the charge should be adjusted annually in line with targets to cut CO2 emissions in the borough.
Both Labour and LibDem parties made commitments about maintaining or reducing or parking charges[3] [4]. However, Islington FOE believes that these commitments should be abandoned in light of recent reports and recommendations on climate change. The Stern report due to be published Monday 30th, forecasts economic depression if we fail to tackle climate change seriously.
Islington FOE coordinator, Stephen Taylor said, "Climate Change is real and happening now. Motor vehicles of all types already contribute about a third of all CO2 emissions. Gas guzzling vehicles make the situation worse. Action must be taken now or our children and grandchildren will have to pay for our wasted opportunities today. Drivers of gas guzzling vehicles, like all of us, need to be aware of the consequences of their actions on future generations. If they do not, then they must be made to pay."
Islington FOE coordinator, Stephen Taylor said "The use of gas guzzling cars in an inner London borough such as Islington is abhorent. They are far too big, taking up too much space when they are moving and when they are parked, adding to Islington's congestion. When parked on the road they take up far too much parking space that is already at a premium in London. On the move, their sheer bulk can intimidate other more vulnerable road users."
Islington FOE campaigner, John Ackers said "Many of Islington's educated and affluent residents read about climate change and tipping points every week in the Guardian. Yet they still go out and buy these dreadful vehicles. The council must send a clear message to these residents that these vehicles have no place in Islington."
The story was carried in the Islington Tribune quoting Islington's Labour environment spokesman, James Murray, "In principle it's a good idea just as long as increasing charges for gas guzzlers is a genuine move to improve the environmnet, and not another opportunity by the Lib Dems to make more money." Like Richmond, Islington is a Liberal Democrat controlled council. With both main parties backing such a scheme it can only be a matter of time before variable parking rates are introduced in Islington.
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